Home Queen
Little in the way of jobs. So with ten living and sharing your home.
Little time to be alone.
You are the matriarch the queen.
The spring from which all edicts flow. The hub at the centre of the family wheel. Your word is law. Even the children respect your reign. Wanting your love not disdain.
All these years you working far away. Has meant arrangements have to be in place for each day.
Cousins and children help in their own way. Child care. Cook, mop, clean, fetch, bring water, wash and carry. No running mod cons. So basic jobs a long winded chore. An essential bore.
One main meal a day. Rice and beans with meat or chicken. Soup with potato to thicken. Money in short measure supplied. Electric and water often denied.
Still the children grow and are busy. Playing, happy and running around in a tizzy. Each day a struggle to get by. It does not stop love, laughter, affection and care. A life full and vibrant here. Poor in substance maybe. But rich in love and emotional sustenance. Held together by your visionary reign. Aiming for a future with everything to gain.
Roger P. Read
Oak Ridge
Roatan, Honduras.