Arctic tern in flightFrom pole to poleThrough the cloud-printsBraving maddened winds So light in sky’s cradleOn strong pointed wingsEyes mapping the landAs the thermals swing Island follows islandSea touches seaBird of two summersA climate refugee You look for the furthest shoresTo build your nestsYou will not root norAbandon the polar quest.
Author: Chris Goode
Rebirth, by Mike McBride
The universe is a never-ending storm Everything in constant movement Growing, dying, Decaying, recyclingBeing reborn in a new form Old black and white photographs Loom like shadows Of a past that we cannot see Old vinyls on phonographs Remind us of tunes From concerts we will never hear Lined faces of dead relatives Hint at…
Spring: Stretch-and-Recoil, by David Allen
Wakey Wakey! Rise and Shine!Light rays scything the darkness…Earlier; staying longer…Winter’s icy-hand loosens… Plants tentatively shoot forth…Breaking the warming surface…Non-stop; even through concrete!Wild creatures are scurrying… Hibernating seems denied…Missing from the human world… Our ultra-complex lifestyles…Ensures we don’t get the chance…Any day throughout the year…Growing old is not for wimps! (The last line I’ve adopted…
It’s all Greek, by Bob Trinder
So, for me,Poetry is about feeling,A way of exploring emotions,And not a conduitFor erudite allusions.I don’t give a damn about Typhoeus,With his hundred heads that never slept,Or Sphinx, who killed anyoneWho could not answer her riddlesAnd then drowned herselfWhen Oedipus could.Wonder and awe,The warmth of the sunAnd the coolness of the full moon,Speak to me…
Golden Chords in the Dawn, by Sharifin Gardiner
The Golden chords that link usShimmer with eternal lightWeaving a web around the worldAs Archangels sing into lightWe share peace in our hearts.Gaia’s future may yet be bright.
An Absence the Following Day, by Jefh Davies
The grey days creep back in –but with something missing:some brief spark, now lost.What was it that passedso fleetingly?The grey days: weren’t theyalways grey?Or were there moments,just moments,of light?No more than that, surely,or how could it fadeso quickly? If there was light,perhaps it will come again.
A Few Years Now, by Jefh Davies (a Lyric, age 27)
I don’t know whose idea it was.I figured it was just becauseI was there and so was she. I stayed for a day or so.She asked was I eager to go.I said not particularly. So she asked me to stay instead.Could’ve bitten off her tongue, she said.She scared the hell out of me. I slowly…
The Sultan of Sofa, by Liisa Strong
I don’t love you less, although you Stalk my bare feet in the mornings Claim rudely half of my toast and Spill the coffee with a tail wag When you command most of the couch By extending your limbs exaggeratedly I don’t love you less My little sultan of sofa I let your head rest…
Is that you, by Jill O’Doherty
Is that you Back already dressed in blue Like the sea today. The sky too I thought you said you were leaving, for good taking your forever lying love to who knows where that left me in streets where wind blows through open windows and strokes the broken sob where hearts lie downand beat loud…
The End of the Road, by Jayne Marshall
At the end of the road is a pot holeIt’s been there for a year at leastit’s grown so very largeit could be home to a beast At the end of the road there’s a pot holequite deep it now appearsIt’s been filled with earth and a saplingthat’s watered by motorists tears at the end…
Wine, by Bob Trinder
I opened a bottleAnd it opened me,Secrets spilling out,Emotions flowing,Visceral, bloody,Red as the wine,Until both the bottleAnd I were empty.
DYSLEXIA: what’s it like? by Mike McBride
(Allow me to translate) Like an alligator struggling at a river’s wildest confluenceLike a translator working at an international conference Outrageously this train has left without its guardSubconsciously my brain is working extra hard Sometimes it leaves me so verminous that I cannot copulateSometimes it makes me so nervous that I cannot concentrate In nursery…
Seaford Ready to Spring Up The Downs, by Roger Read
A Crust of green and whiteHoar, grass and hair frostSoon to be lost.As Spring’s warmth slowly thaws Winter’s blight.The dawn sun turns the water silver.Then Orange and bright. Longer days and less night.From beneath the earth bulbs.Seeds start to push and fight.To work their way to the sun’s delight.To appear yellow, blue, red and white….
One Thing Led To Another, by Jefh Davies
“We are now approaching Seaford…”came the voice of the train,as it slowed. We had come to look for our new home –our last home: a home to settle and stay in:a home here, perhaps. We wandered slowly from the train down to the seaand there was the sea. The first thing was the sea, next…
My Life at 86 and a half with Alzheimer’s and Cancer, by Sharifin Gardiner
I walk down Rodmell’s busy street with my two stout sticks,with a bright yellow jacket on, for warning so much traffic,bought for me by my loving wife. If I’m lucky, she comes along as well,Wearing thick gloves and furry hat.Sometimes it’s with someone else,OK, but not the same as a loving chat. I am generally…