Just go away that’s what I say cause you’re not wanted here you can struggle and fight but it’s not right why don’t you go away! so I’ll do as I’m told then I’ll grow old cause you’re not gonna get me!!
Author: Chris Goode
Early Spring, by Bob Trinder
Wintry wind Slashing sleet In your face, Spiteful, Sharp Against your skin. And then sun, Shining sickly, Barely warm Until you reach The shelter Of fieldside bushes. Clouds disappearing, A grey blanket-like sky Covering the sun – Until it re-appears, Finding blue spaces And glittering in puddles Of rain water.
Remembered Days, by Jill O’Doherty
Remembered days of flying kites Our eyes up high Looking at sky, the rumbustious string unrestrained, its dance unruly. Sun up there too Warmth like passion Precarious passion, uncertain fantasy. Made dark as heroic tales become taller
Blue Fish, by Jill O’Doherty
I wonder if other fish feel like this and what does a fish do when she’s blue The net tight. She’s that little fish on a dish caught, going nowhere. Deep down, under the water, She’s that little krill in the lonely chill, Waiting on a whale. Shoals apart,she floats and has an out of…
Bars are Reina, by Roger Read
Globe Bar not far ! Then Slip along to the Banana Club. Or fill up at daStation. No relation to an On the Run petrol creation. Cotton Club small and has an exclusive air. Very busy. Prices fair. Vicks Bar to get a bottle of Corona or a jar. Rothi Shop not for clothes or…
A Timely Thought in Isolation, by Bob Trinder
Tick, tock, tick tock, Speed up the clock. Tock, tick, tock, tick Time goes less quick. If I fly into space At a stupendous pace, I’d age less than you The further I flew. Whilst gravity’s pull Will slow time for all, The speed that you fly Also makes it crawl by. So, an hour…
Leaving, by Marlene Yates
It were a moonlit night We met by fireside light And when our fingers touched Passion did ignite! We took ‘is boat to sea – There was ‘im and there was me! ‘I’m leaving,’ said my note An’ we found the place to be! In that place a gravestone reads ‘Two lovers lie in ground’…
A Funny Dream, by Marlene Yates
I were sailin’ on the ocean Free as a man can be – Me ‘eart were all apumping An’ me sails waved prettily!! The boat, it were a corker An’ all the brass shone bright I ‘and’t met the captain ‘Cos ‘twere the middle of the night!! I thought we should be anchored So I…
I am, by Marlene Yates
I stand amongst the debris of world stupidity – The others have fallen But I stand tall. I am audacious For I am needed – I drench you with my breath You need me I am not just a tree!!
Leaving, by Bob Trinder
I didn’t know I was leaving, Didn’t say ‘goodbye’ to the people Who meant so much To the person I still call ‘me’. Didn’t look at the buildings, In the streets In which I’d played On spring and summer evenings And holidays from school. Didn’t capture the details That changed subtly over the years. Didn’t…
Black and White, by Jill O’Doherty
There was a time, when all I could paint was black and white stripes, Brushed, vertical wipes of downward colour. The pinched thin stripe, The fat full stripe and those in-between stripes. There was a time when all I could paint was black and white polka dots, The tiny, full stop dot, The big fat…
Sunday Night in Punta Gorda, by Roger Read
Bars line the road on the beach. Revellers drinking and talking. Sitting catching up with family and passing friends walking. A night of dancing they search. Music level at a screech. Drowning out coherent speech. Fiesta and bands in full swing. Many partyers in full bling. Base ball caps and chains of gold . Bottle…
Cursing Booze Cruising, by Roger Read
Going to stock up on cheap wine and beer. Buy crates of the stuff to bring back here. Day trip to travel by coach to Dover. To cross over. Rules are spend all your money and have a good time. Winter gale whipping up. Hardly going to be sublime ! Gimbals jiggling to keep the…
December, by Mike McBride
Default December The usual run-up to Christmas The occasional escape to my desk Boxing Day at Wakehurst Place That tree! So scintillating, statuesque Denial December A sibilant, senseless silliness Of sanctimonious eruptions Over the sentimental shambles Of seasonal corruptions Demure December Once-a-year Christians Being affectedly serious Over-groomed shop assistants Showing professional cheeriness Designer December Computerised…
Car-sharing in the late 21st Century, by Mike McBride
Before they invented the Telepathic Highway With its uninspiring, individual car pods Each one looking like an ancient spherical light bulb From way back in the twentieth century Pods you can walk straight into and state your destination And the magnetic engine whisks you away from road to track The auto functioning closes the door,…